Sunday, December 28, 2008

Polar Express Train with Austin Family

We went to the north pole to see Santa he told us about the first gift of Christmas. And also told us about the candy cane. How it looks like a Shepperd's cane and how when you turn it upside down it make a J, to remind us that the first Christmas gift was the savior Jesus Christ.
How grateful I am that the lord loves us so much that he sent his son our elder brother hear to pay the price for our sins. He knew that we would make some mistakes along our journey and the only way back would be through the atonement. I know that our father in heaven loves us each and every one. I have felt his mercy and I know that he will led us and guide us in our darkest hours. He has blessed me with a family to help me along my path and children that teach me to love him more every day. How blessed I am to have a husband who has a testimony of the gospel and who loves me and wants us to be happy. I love the Lord and am so grateful to the Anderson Family for taking the time to put together this Tribute to our Savior the music and the photos helped me to remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Holliday Fun

Connor wrote a letter to snow ball Santa's Elf who is our family elf he watches us all year long. Braden" My biggest pickle sandwich ever" he said. This boy loves to eat pickles YUM!!!
TJ got a hold of the permanent maker and look at his lovely Creation.

What a fun time we had making a ginger bread Cottage. I got us exited for Christmas.

Chrismas program's

Well the Holiday's have been busy and I did not have time to post. So I have a lot of events I would like to share so Here we go.
Connor had his Preschool program and he was a Little nerves he called my cell phone the night before and left me a message that said "Mom I am not going to my program their is going to be 100 people there so I wont go Just thought I would tell you . This is Connor" I had to laugh when I got this message But he went to the program and did a great job I was so Pleased with him and how he sung the songs but their was girl song he would not sing and that was OK with me.
TJ on the other hand was so excited to go to his Christmas program. But when we got their he did not want to sit in front with his class so he sat on the side with me. I was OK with it. We had fun, he sat on Santa's lap and ate cookies after. By the end he was so happy to be there.Shaylee and Braden school had a Christmas singing program they both we so cute. I am so grateful to be a mother and that I am able to stay home and be a part of Program and Parties.

Connor and TJ and some of their friends were with me we were going on a bear hunt on the way to my car. The snow was really deep but they loved being the first to make tracks in the snow.Shaylee had her dance performance she is in 2 Classes jazz and sing and dance. She is turning in to a young lady. I can not believe how my little girl is growing up.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Zoo lights

We went to see the Zoo Lights last night for family night. The kids had a great time I loved the new fallen snow. New snow is one of my favorite things.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Festival of Trees

We had a good time at the Festival of Trees we got our pitcher with Santa. Connor did not think this was really him "because he has to be at the north pole getting ready for Christmas "he said I love Connor he dose not hide how he feels. So he was not in the photo taken by the festival but grandma got one to prove he was there. T.J. did not want any thing to do with him you can see he was trying to get away but I told him that we ask Santa for what we want for Christmas and he might bring it to us Christmas morning. So he asked Santa for a robot "as big as my Dad". He is our daddy's boy. He would like it if Dad could take him with him were ever he goes. But he gets that can't be done so he want a duplicate.

All Connor wanted to do was stand in a bubble so hear he is. All by him self in a bubble.T.J. wanted to but when they pulled the bubble up he freaked out this was more than he could take.Festival of Trees has become a tradition that we do with Grandma Pam. I have gone for 10 year straight. It helps me to get in the spirit of giving. I love this bond that Pam and I share. I realize how healing this can be for families of children who have spent many days in the hospital and some times don't come home with their child. Two Christmas ago my niece Emily had a bone marrow transplant just before Christmas and a tree was put together in her honer. The person who bought the tree had it deliver to their home. It was left up for Emily to see when she came home in February. The festival is hard thing for them to go to because Emily's family knows many of the children who have passed on. But we are all grateful to the Doctor's and the staff at primary children's hospital that have made it so Emily will be able to spend many Holidays with us. I also have a nephew who had his kidney fail at birth and has had 2 kidney transplants. Jake is still with us blessing the lives of all the people he associates with because of the good care he was given at primary children's.
At the end of our time at the festival Connor got sick. So we high tailed it out of there and headed home. I plan to go again next year.



I loved this book. It was the first book that really drew me in. So when my friend Wendy asked me to go to the movie with her I went. Rachel Lemkie a girl I new from high school rented a theater so we could all enjoy this with friends. In the photo me, Wendy, Andrea, Brie it was a blast.