Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day of school 2011-2012.

This is the first day of the 2011-2012 school year.
The Rex Kids are all going to one school  this is the only time all the kids are at Eaglecrest Elementary together. 

Shaylee is in the 6th grade. She is so excited to the oldest kids in the school
Braden is in 4th grade 
Connor is in the 2nd Grade. 

TJ but he asked to have the kids at school call him Tyler in in the 1st grade

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On Her way to Summer Camp

My little girl is growing up she is on her way to Summer Camp with some good friends. She will be gone 5 days to Camp Clear Creek. I know she will have a good time. When I dropped her off at my Elementary School to Catch the bus a flood of memories came to me. I remember the fun time I had at Clear Creek and All the good times in Elementary school. This is her first time on her own. It has been hard on me I am Praying every day that she is safe and having fun. We will miss her but can't wait to hear about all her adventures.